The world of diet and supplements is extremely confusing. In a previous post, we discussed the vast amount of information (and disinformation) regarding diets. Unfortunately, the same is true when it comes to supplements. You are constantly bombarded with targeted marketing, promising you great health, weight loss, and more energy. Yet we are sicker than ever before. There are two things to really understand when it comes to supplements:
Yes, you actually do need them.
The majority of them are crap.
You Need Supplements
The average American eats less than 20 foods. There are over 200 foods in the world. When you actually think about it, there is not much variety in your diet. That's okay- we like what we like, and we are creatures of habit. But that being said, the lack of variety in your diet also contributes to a lack of certain nutrients.
Say you don't eat a lot of red meat- not the worst thing in the world, but your chances of being iron deficient increase significantly. And if you don't like vegetables? Well, you are probably lacking essential vitamins like A, B, C, E and K.
Not to be a bearer of bad news, but there are multiple studies showing that the same foods (let's just say an orange or a banana) we eat today, are not as nutritious as when our parents or grandparents ate them. Among the many reasons, is that our soil is malnourished. Additionally, industrial processes focus on quantity rather than quality, and genetically modified organisms have entered the food ecosystem.
All this to say, that even if your diet is extremely varied and "perfect," you are still going to have gaps. You need to be taking supplements!
The Majority of Them are Crap
I would never lie to you. The majority of supplements are crap. My mentor once said "Supplements are like parachutes. Don't buy cheap ones."
I feel like there is a better analogy out there, but let's stick with the parachutes for now.
So how do you know if supplements are good? The easiest way is to get them from trusted sources. At Bender Athletic Club, we partner with Thorne Health, one of the leading vitamin and supplement companies in the world. All followers automatically receive 15% off when shopping through us.
But I have a couple other general rules when it comes to supplements. If you were ever my athlete, you have probably heard these before:
Don't buy cheap ones
Never buy supplements or vitamins at a grocery or retail store
Always take double to triple the recommended amount on the bottle
Never buy anything that says "-oxide"
Do as I say
So why never buy from a store? Well, for starters, the quality is crap. Secondly, they are designed for maximal profit. And perhaps most importantly, they will not work. There is no FDA clearance for vitamins. Thus, companies that sell to retail stores do the bare minimum to provide the supplement. They cut their products with flour, and don't use quality sources.
Should you really take double or triple the recommended dose? Absolutely. Most of the Recommended Daily Allowances (RDAs) for supplements are based on the average American. News flash- the average American is obese, doesn't train, and doesn't give a crap about their health. If you are training, focused on optimizing your health, and use a little common sense, it only makes sense to take more. Don't worry, typically the worst case scenario is some intestinal discomfort from taking too much.*
Please- never buy anything where the ingredients contain "-oxide". This means that oxygen has already reacted with the substance, making it useless to you. It will not be bio-available for you, and you will literally just piss it out.
So when it comes to supplements, please do as I say.
In strength,
Coach Bender
*You should always consult your health practitioner for medical advice.