Neurotransmitters are tiny chemicals that are sent between brain cells. They are responsible for many actions and are highly related to mood, motivation, and happiness. There are four main types of neurotransmitters in the body: dopamine, acetylcholine, GABA, and seretonin.
Neurotransmitter dominance is set biologically, and develops as you mature. Most individuals are "dominant" in 1-2 neurotransmitter types. Conversely, most people are also deficient in 1-2 types as well (don't be surprised if your dominance is also your deficiency!).
Although you can't necessarily change your dominance, you can adapt your training to it. Charles Poliquin, one of Coach Bender's mentors, discovered that by assessing neurotransmitter dominance, we can better understand training motivations and program types. He suggests that in general, there are three types of athletes when it comes to training:
Those that desire Intensity (max efforts- competitive weightlifters, sprinters, etc.)
Those that desire Variation (they get bored easily- hello Crossfit)
Those that desire Volume (tons of sets and reps- think traditional bodybuilding)
Based on your dominance(s), you will generally fall into one of the above three categories. Loosely, the neuortransmitters relate in this way:
Dopamine = Intensity
Acetylcholine= Variation
GABA= Volume
The Braverman Personality Type Assessment is the easiest way to determine your dominance and deficiencies. The test takes approximately 15-20 minutes to complete, and is comprised of a wide-range of true/false questions. And don't worry, there are no wrong or right answers! Just answer honestly without overthinking it. Take the test here:
Lastly, it would be remiss to not further credit Coach Charles Poliquin, who was well ahead of his time in sharing this knowledge.
At Bender Athletic Club, we take into account your dominance, and ensure you stay motivated for your program. We take training a step further by exploring your bio-individuality, and ADAPTING your training program to it.